Besserat Mid-Year: 10th Anniversary

Besserat Mid-Year Retreat — what a brilliant concept! I commend those visionary minds who came up with the idea of holding a retreat exclusively for young people. It is a refreshing time of spiritual growth and development, away from all the hustle and bustle of daily life and destruction. This year marks our 10th year anniversary.

The event was organized by KiKi Kahsai, Abiel Tsegai, and Raffi Seyum. They went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the participants were well taken care off in every way possible (subject assignments, accommodations, entertainment, and food).

The new venue was breathtaking, the rooms were comfortable and spacious, food was great, and the fellowship was meaningful and memorable. Most importantly, the Worship, which included study of the Word, prayer, praise, and singing, was on point. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident the entire time.

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A huge thank you goes to the committee members, the worship leaders, teachers, participants, and sponsors. We are grateful for your willingness to invest your resources, time, and energy in God’s work.

In our Bible studies, we focused on specific portions of Scripture and we conducted a verse by verse exposition of the given chapters. This year, our theme was “The Sermon the Mount,” Matthew 5-7.

The goal of midyear is to equip young people with a biblical worldview so they can be biblically literate and have a biblical mind. When the Holy Spirit structures their minds, and hearts, their thinking, wills, desires, affections, and living will be conformed to the image of Christ. Since Knowledge of Scripture is absolutely essential in order to become a spiritually mature Christian with a biblical worldview, we at midyear aim to provide them with the necessary tools so they are able to study the Word of God, live by its principles, defend, and proclaim it. If they learn to sift everything in light Scripture, they will be able to recognize error and stand up against it.

Teachers & Lessons

  • Abiel Tsegai: Matthew 5:3-20 “The Beatitudes, Salt, Light, & The Fulfillment of the Law”
  • Mehret Kahsai: Matthew 5:21-48 “Murder, Adultery, Divorce, Oaths, Eye for Eye, & Love for Enemies”
  • Esrael Seyum: Matthew 6:1-23 “Giving to the Needy, Prayer, Fasting, & Treasures In Heaven”
  • Bereket Tsegai: Matthew 6:25-34 & 7:1-12 “Worry, Judging, Ask/Seek/Knock”
  • Solomon Gebremeskel: Matthew 7:13-29 “The Narrow & Wide Gate, True/False Prophets, True/False Disciples, Wise/Foolish Builders”

In the future, I hope more parents will be willing to invest in their kids so they can attend midyear. Most young people don’t come because they can’t afford it. So parents, and those who are willing and able to sponsor a young person, please let us know if you can help in any way. Also please remember midyear in your prayers.

Those who helped out financially and otherwise, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your reward is from above.

I hope and pray that this conference was a meaningful and spiritually enriching experience for those who attended. I hope to see all of you next year…invite all of your friends.

May God bless and keep you as you go back to your daily lives and live for His glory.

Much love,